"How beautiful it is to find someone who asks for nothing but your company."
- Brigitte Nicole

It is truly a pleasure to introduce you to our adult Toy Australian Shepherds. We love each and every one of our Toy Aussies and they are 100% a part of our family.

We spend many hours a day interacting and playing with our Toy Aussies. We have a 100 x 50 fenced in dog run, along with a second 50 x 50 dog run that they get plenty of daily exercise in.
We had our two-car garage, which is attached to our home, converted into a modern state-of-the-art “Canine Castle.” Our Toy Australian Shepherds live very comfortably in their castle that is fully equipped with heat and air conditioning. We had 3 windows installed so they can get a nice cross breeze.
Our dogs are all indoor dogs. Taking care of them is a full-time job for my husband and I. We bring the dogs inside our home two at a time for two hours in shifts so they all get a turn. Bamboo, Twinkles, Frankie Blue Eyes, and Figgy are so small that they sleep with us every night in our King-sized bed. We take one of the other Toy Australian Shepherds to bed with us every night alternating so every dog gets a turn. It’s someone new every night and we love it that way!